Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Toilet Training Tips

I am sure that you can find toilet training advice anywhere: your mom, the pediatrician, Aunt Know-it-all, and now I'm adding my two cents. OK, with inflation, that's 18.7 cents.
  1. Make sure the child is developmentally ready. For most children this does not occur before the age of two years. If your child cannot say "potty/tee-tee/poop" or whatever words you chose, it's not a good time to train. Some people will routinely place a child on a potty every two hours and say the child is toilet trained, but they aren't. The caregiver is trained. Sure, some well-intentioned friend will tell you that little snookums completely toilet trained at 15 months, but that isn't the norm. I know there's a new trend now, EC or elimination communication, I have no experience in this area, so I will not address that.
  2. Strike while the iron is hot: Focus on those moments where you can have almost guaranteed success. What do I mean by that? If your tot wakes up from his nap dry or he is dry first thing in the morning, have him/her use the potty. She will surely "go" and you can clap, hoot, and celebrate this success.
  3. Remember who is in control...and mom/dad, it's not you. Only your child can control elimination...or not. If you meet with resistance, back off. Toilet training is no time for discipline and losing your patience. This will only delay the process and it's not healthy for either one of you.
  4. Be consistent. Once you start toilet training, follow through. No diapers on Monday then toilet training on Tuesday.
  5. Praise, praise, praise!

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